The Friends of St George's Cathedral
Who we are
Founded in 1954 the Association of Friends of St George’s Cathedral exists to unite all those who love St George’s Cathedral and would like to be identified with its work.What we do
Our objectives are:
- To help preserve the Cathedral as a place of beauty for worship;
- To extend the hospitality of the Cathedral and promote links between past and present members of St George’s and well-wishers across the world.
Past gifts to the Cathedral from The Friends include:
- Contributing to the repair of Cathedral furniture;
- Supporting the music ministry;
- Renovation of the Welcome Table where volunteers greet visitors and offer information about the Cathedral.
Activities and Projects 2015-2016
Christmas Music: The Friends donated half the cost of the Schubert Mass in G which was sung at the Choral Eucharist on Christmas Day 2015, conducted by Grant Brasler.
Shrovetide pancakes 2016: Once again the Friends, together with the Cathedral HIV and AIDS Task Team, served pancakes to the congregation on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday.
Lighting for the choir stalls: Lights have been designed for the choir stalls which combine a candle holder and an LED light, positioned under the base of the holder, to light the choir’s music. The cost of a single holder is R1500.
We are inviting members of the congregation and any other interested people to sponsor one light or to contribute part of the cost of a light.
Frontal for the High Altar: We have chosen a design by Philip Manser for a new altar frontal to replace the old green frontal used during the season of Trinity. The picture picks up the fish and wave motif on a set of green vestments.
The Annual General Meeting of The Friends
The Friends of St George's Cathedral
will hold their Annual General Meeting on
Sunday 23rd April 2017 in the Dean King Hall
St George's Cathedral
Time: 1500 for 15 30
Judith Gordon and Mary Bock will give an illustrated talk
on their journey to Peru and Machu Picchu in 2016
Refreshments will be served after the meeting
You are invited to stay for Evensong
All are welcome
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Or phone Mavis Dobson 021 6899553
How you can take part
You can support the work of the Friends and the help to preserve the heritage of St George's Cathedral by
- becoming a member
- Joining the Welcome Table team or becoming a Cathedral Tour Guide
- offering your time to assist with the administration and promotion of the Friends of St George's Cathedral
Contact information:
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Cell: 0731842998
Contact person for Ministry’s webpage: Mary Bock (Coordinator)
Contact: Mary Bock
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