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Known as the “People’s Cathedral” for its role in the resistance against apartheid, St. George’s Cathedral is the oldest cathedral in Southern Africa and the mother church of the Anglican Diocese of Cape Town. We invite you to visit our historical and beautiful building and to be part of an active and dedicated congregation, contributing to the life of the Cathedral and the broader Cape Town community.

Vision of St George’s Cathedral
This Cathedral exists to give glory to God and to be a sign of God’s Kingdom in this city and nation.
Mission of St George’s Cathedral
St George’s Cathedral is both the Metropolitical Church of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa and a congregation in the Diocese of Cape Town. As such it serves many people of diverse backgrounds, both within and outside our own congregation, who look to the Cathedral for leadership, spiritual guidance and sustenance.
All that we do at the Cathedral is undertaken in the spirit of trust in and gratitude for God’s overarching love and the belief that through compassion shown to others, whoever they may be, God’s love is manifested in the world.
Our mission is expressed through
- Spiritual enrichment using prayer, worship, music and the arts,
- Facilitating the spiritual growth of young and old
- A compassionate and caring response to people and their needs
Engaging with social issues – justice, reconciliation and human health

Stewardship by Means of Snapscan
Contributing to the Cathedral ministry is founded on one’s faith in Jesus Christ and in appreciation that we are contributing to building little outposts of heaven wherever we are.
Giving - whether big or small, in the form of a monthly pledge or one-time donation – makes a difference. Whatever you choose to give, we invite you to join St George’s Cathedral in helping to make the world a better and a more caring place.
You are welcome to make a contribution at any time.
Simply use your phone's camera to scan the SnapCode below.
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